Fashion Tribes: China артикул 2597a.
Fashion Tribes: China артикул 2597a.

A window into the fashion trends embraced by Chinese youth—who make up one in ten of the world's population Confident and proud in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, the young people of China are rediscovering their own heritage…and mixing it with Western style to create something that’s fresh, new, and unique to them Using a mix of straight-up оввфъ street photography with detailed shots of accessories and graphics, this volume showcases China’s most cutting-edge fashion culture In addition, interviews with Chinese style leaders provide invaluable insight into the aspirations, motivations, and thinking of today’s young Chinese.  2009 г Мягкая обложка, 160 стр ISBN 1906388393.

White Christmas : May Your Days Be Merry and Bright and May All Your Christmases Be White артикул 2599a.
White Christmas : May Your Days Be Merry and Bright and May All Your Christmases Be White артикул 2599a.

Book Description Celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the film White Christmas, this Notebook not only pays tribute to the classic film, but is also a book containing everything you could want to know about snow The CD in the back of the book includes Bing Crosby's classic version of White Christmas,as well as two other versions by Louis Armstrong оввфю and Vince Gill Biographical information about the film's cast, behind-the-scene stories about making the film,and the story ofits success commemorate a holiday classic A portion of the book will focus on snow with recipes for snow cream, how to find out the most likely place in America to enjoy a white Christmas, how to make snow angels, facts about snowflakes, and how to make the perfect snowball.  2004 г 64 стр ISBN 1401601928.

Cinema Nirvana : Enlightenment Lessons from the Movies артикул 2601a.
Cinema Nirvana : Enlightenment Lessons from the Movies артикул 2601a.

Book DescriptionMovie fans and spiritual seekers, unite! In Cinema Nirvana, meditation teacher and award-winning film critic Dean Sluyter illuminates the hidden enlightenment teachings of Casablanca, Jaws, The Graduate, TheGodfather, Memento, and ten other classic films, revealing spiritual wisdom in everything from 007’s secret оввхг weapons to the colors of the Seven Dwarfs’ eyes So grab your popcorn, sit back, and prepare to have your mind opened Cinema Nirvana is a funny but wise, practical but wildly entertaining guide to finding enlightenment—one movie at a time.  2005 г 304 стр ISBN 1400049741.

Подробная карта Венеция артикул 2603a.
Подробная карта Венеция артикул 2603a.

Венеция, пожалуй, самый уникальный город мира и, возможно, самый сюрреалистичный Ничто не может по-настоящему подготовить вас к тому чувству, что возникает во время прогулки оввхж по ее удивительным улицам Несмотря на неприятный запах каналов, обваливающиеся здания, толпы туристов, стаи бродячих кошек и непомерные цены, Венеция сохраняет очарование и своей мистической красотой трогает душу Будучи окрещенной "Блистательная" (La Serenissima), Венеция - это особый мир, предел которому положила вода и который живет по своим законам В самом деле, город пронизан чувством безмятежности, к которому примешивается чувство некой иллюзорности, и посетителей может удивить то, что каждодневная жизнь здесь течет так же, как если бы это было самое обычное место Масштаб карты: 1:6500.  Серия: Подробная карта National Geographic.

Photography: The Key Concepts артикул 2605a.
Photography: The Key Concepts артикул 2605a.

It is hard to imagine anyone's everyday life without photography being involved in some way, from passport photographs, to publicity, postcards, magazines and art galleries Photography is one of the most pervasive media and consequently difficult to grasp as a single thing Associated with both science and art from its beginning, photography оввхл crosses many boundaries and, with the advent of digital imaging and manipulation, it has extended its presence even further This book boils down the massive territory of photography to the key genres, discussing each in turn to show how they have become even more relevant in today's dynamic cultural and technological context Illustrated with a range of historical and contemporary images and case material, this book is essential reading for anyone interested in photography.  2009 г Твердый переплет, 224 стр ISBN 1845206665.

Desktop Cinema: Feature Filmmaking On a Home Computer (Aspiring Filmmaker's Library) артикул 2607a.
Desktop Cinema: Feature Filmmaking On a Home Computer (Aspiring Filmmaker's Library) артикул 2607a.

Book Description Although the number of budding filmmakers and the availability of digital video technology are growing, there are currently no books that encapsulate the process of creating a feature-length film using only a video camera and a home computer Whether you are an amateur filmmaker or a computer enthusiast, ?Desktop Cinema: Feature оввхр Filmmaking on a Home Computer? shows you how to create a feature or short film from start to finish using only home computer technology Using his own film, ?Able Edwards,? as a model, the author illustrates step-by-step each stage of the filmmaking process, covering story, pre-production, production, post-production, and distribution This book shows you how to explore and use the readily available software and other technology tools effectively The author?s use of his own film makes the processes involved seem realistic and attainable and allows you to really see what works and what doesn?t An accompanying CD/DVD that features both the ?Able Edwards? trailer and green screen reveals make ?Desktop Cinema: Feature Filmmaking on a Home Computer? a comprehensive guide to digital filmmaking.  2005 г 368 стр ISBN 1592009557.

Leiko Ikemura: Day, Night, Half Moon артикул 2609a.
Leiko Ikemura: Day, Night, Half Moon артикул 2609a.

Leiko Ikemura is one of the best-known artists of Japanese origin working in the West Her work, including drawings, paintings, and sculptures, have been shown in solo and group exhibitions in the United States, Western Europe, Australia, and Japan Presented here in Leiko Ikemura: Day, Night, and Half Moon is the most comprehensive collection оввхч of Ikemura’s work, encompassing more than 200 drawings, the majority of them previously unpublished, and a broad selection of her paintings and sculptures Ikemura’s fabulous drawings are celebrated for their oscillations between opposites—light and dark; joy and pain; day and dream In them, she creates a highly personal, vast, and secretive universe beyond space and time, populated by maiden-like beings and fantastic creatures Accompanying the lush illustrations are essays by eminent critics, including Donald Kuspit, that foreground Ikemura’s themes and aesthetic approach A fascinating volume of work by an artist who bridges East and West, Leiko Ikemura: Day, Night, and Half Moon will be of interest to students and scholars of contemporary art.  2009 г Твердый переплет, 368 стр ISBN 3858812315.

Tauchfahrten/Diving Trips: Zeichnung Als Reportage/Drawing as Reportage артикул 2611a.
Tauchfahrten/Diving Trips: Zeichnung Als Reportage/Drawing as Reportage артикул 2611a.

Book DescriptionIn its capacity as a critical, historical, and utopian medium, drawing has experienced a reevaluation--above all since the 1960s--as a conceptual form within the sphere of Minimalism and Conceptual Art This publication introduces varied depictive practices: sketch books, samples and workshop books, comics, and reportage оввца drawings Edited by Stefan Berg, Ulrike Groos Essays by Michael Glasmeier, Karin Glundovatz, Clemens Krümmel, Joachim Rees and Alexander Roob Hardcover, 8 25 x 10 75 in /240 pgs / 120 color and 180 b&w.  2005 г 231 стр ISBN 3937572155.

Подробная карта Флоренция артикул 2613a.
Подробная карта Флоренция артикул 2613a.

Флоренция по праву считается одним из красивейших городов Италии и мира Этот компактный город кажется целиком высеченным из камня - дома, улицы, мосты, церкви и дворцы средневековой оввцг Флоренции сложены из гранита и мрамора всех цветов и оттенков Центральная часть города небольшая, но здесь сосредоточено столько памятников искусства и архитектуры, что можно провести целую жизнь, рассматривая их Флоренция - это колыбель Ренессанса, и многое из того, что здесь можно увидеть, хранится в бесчисленных музеях, храмах и дворцах, архитектура которых сама является шедевром Вокруг кипит современная жизнь, принимая неожиданные формы и сочетания - мотороллеры "Веспа" и работы Микеланджело, модные бутики и средневековые замки Масштаб карты: 1:6500.  Серия: Подробная карта National Geographic.

The Stage of Drawing: Gesture and Act артикул 2615a.
The Stage of Drawing: Gesture and Act артикул 2615a.

Book DescriptionThe Stage of Drawing presents remarkable works on paper selected by the artist Avis Newman from the prestigious collection of Tate, London Including both well-known and less familiar drawings from the mid-1700s by British and international artists, this book, and its accompanying exhibition, offers the opportunity to view оввцо developments in drawing over the past three centuries The subjects addressed by the book range from literary and theatrical influences on such artists as Sir Joshua Reynolds, William Blake, and Henry Fuseli, to the gestural act in 20th-century drawing as seen in the work of Natalya Goncharova, Francis Bacon, Lucio Fontana, Cy Twombly, Blinky Palermo and Andy Warhol This book presents a unique view of drawing and its place in the history of art.  2003 г 250 стр ISBN 1854374885.

BFI Film and Television Handbook 2003 артикул 2617a.
BFI Film and Television Handbook 2003 артикул 2617a.

Book DescriptionFor twenty years the BFI Film and Television Handbook has stood unrivaled as a unique single publication that spans the entire cinema, television, and video/DVD industry It provides the answers to many of the questions that the BFI receives each day from politicians, journalists, industry executives, researchers, and film оввцу and television enthusiasts This edition brings together a unique range of statistics spanning twenty years and more on the state of cinema, television, and video/DVD This includes the Handbook's groundbreaking categorization of British films, details of major awards and festivals, as well as the comprehensive directory of industry contacts Produced in consultation with leading trade publications and organizations, the BFI Film and Television Handbook is a must-have book for anyone serious about film and television in the U K.  2003 г 442 стр ISBN 0851709540.

ХлебСоль, июль 2010 (+ диетический кисель) артикул 2619a.
ХлебСоль, июль 2010 (+ диетический кисель) артикул 2619a.

Редактор: Юлия Высоцкая В этом номере: Легкие блюда и развлечения лета Ланч на веранде: овощные роллы, капуста в сухарях и салат с тархуном Мы готовим ягодные супы с малиной, персиками оввцч и дыней Каникулы Валерии - без диет! Игорь Чапурин о моцарелле и стейке из жирафа Новые сырники - с морковью и брынзой Ростовская руккола- сныть и что с ней готовить Путешествие по Хорватии: устрицы и фритула К изданию прилагается кисель диетический витаминный для глаз Иллюстрация.  Серия: журнал "ХлебСоль".

Тайная история красок артикул 2621a.
Тайная история красок артикул 2621a.

Переводчик: Наталья Власова Иногда стоит взглянуть на давно знакомые предметы под другим углом, и мир сразу заиграет новыми красками Популярная британская журналистка Виктория оввць Финли предлагает читателям прогуляться по радуге и узнать много нового об истории привычных цветов Знаете ли вы, что женщины во всем мире и по сей день часто красят губы кровью, сами о том не подозревая, а Наполеона, вполне вероятно, свели в могилу модные зеленые обои? Какого цвета траурные одеяния в Китае? Скольким моллюскам пришлось отдать жизнь ради того, чтобы Юлий Цезарь мог похвастаться пурпурной мантией? Так ли прост простой карандаш? Чем кормить коров, чтобы из их мочи можно было получить желтую краску? Чтобы ответить на эти и многие другие вопросы, отчаянная англичанка объехала полмира, включая Австралию, Мексику, Ливию, Китай и даже подконтрольный талибам Афганистан В итоге получилась увлекательная книга о том, как художники, ремесленники и ученые пытались воссоздать радугу, и о том, как это повлияло на окружающий нас мир Автор Виктория Финли Victoria Finlay.  Серия: Амфора Travel.

Colour: Travels Through the Paintbox.
The Art Of Jose Del Nido: Deadly Seductions артикул 2623a.
The Art Of Jose Del Nido: Deadly Seductions артикул 2623a.

Book DescriptionWhether they're of self-possessed women warriors in battle or demon-possessed creatures of terrible beauty, Jose Del Nido imbues each painting with a magnitude of awesome strength These are ladies you do not want to annoy! A cover illustrator without peer, Jose has jam-packed this volume of his work with dozens upon dozens of оввчб full color masterworks, each more alluring and magnificent than the next You will be in awe of this man's boundless talents and ability to make the unreal seem possible.  2004 г 128 стр ISBN 0865620954.

Artist's Hints and Tips: Drawing and Painting Landscapes артикул 2625a.
Artist's Hints and Tips: Drawing and Painting Landscapes артикул 2625a.

Book Description Illustrated with dozens of stimulating examples, filled with gems of advice, and bound in a handy pocket-size volume perfect for carrying with the paints and canvas, this mini master class in depicting landscapes is just what every artist needs It covers every basic tool, material, and medium, including gouache, watercolor, оввчй acrylic, oil, pastels, pen and ink, and pencils Learn how to work with different papers, use perspective to convey scenic vistas, make the most of a sketchbook,come up with effective compositions, and handle different weather conditions The lessons focus on effectively rendering woods and forests, mountains, cliffs, lakes and rivers, sky and seascapes, rock, sand, and stone—all the aspects of this perennially popular and inspiring subject.  2004 г 96 стр ISBN 1843400812.

Screen World Volume 55: 2004 (Screen World) артикул 2627a.
Screen World Volume 55: 2004 (Screen World) артикул 2627a.

Book DescriptionMovie fans eagerly await each year's new edition of Screen World, the definitive record of the cinema since 1949 Volume 55 provides an illustrated listing of every American and foreign film released in the United States in 2003, all documented with more than 1,000 photographs The 2004 edition of Screen World features such notable оввчт films as Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, which won all 11 Academy Awards it was nominated for, including Best Picture, tying a record; Clint Eastwood's Mystic River, which won Academy Awards for Best Actor Sean Penn and Best Supporting Actor Tim Robbins; Sofia Coppola's Lost in Translation, Academy Award-winner for Best Original Screenplay; and Peter Weir's Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World Also featured are Patty Jenkins' Monster, featuring Academy Award-winner for Best Actress Charlize Theron, and independent successes such as Gurinder Chadha's Bend It like Beckham and Tom McCarthy's The Station Agent As always, Screen World's outstanding features include: photographic stills and shots of the four Academy Award-winning actors as well as all acting nominees; a look at the year's most promising new screen personalities; complete filmographies - cast and characters,credits, production company, date released, rating and running time; and biographical entries - a priceless reference for over 2,400 living stars, including real name, school, and date and place of birth Now featuring 16 pages of color photos!.  2005 г 434 стр ISBN 1557836388.

Алиса в Стране чудес, Алиса в Зазеркалье (номерованный экземпляр № 46), подарочное издание артикул 2629a.
Алиса в Стране чудес, Алиса в Зазеркалье (номерованный экземпляр № 46), подарочное издание артикул 2629a.

Переводчики: Нина Демурова Самуил Маршак Д Орловская Ольга Седакова Художник: Джон Тенниел Настоящее издание отпечатано в количестве одной тысячи пятисот экземпляров, сто оввчч из которых изготовлены в переплетах из черной кожи с трехсторонним золотым обрезом и пронумерованы Номер настоящего экземпляра 46 Сказки о приключениях Алисы в Стране чудес и Зазеркалье, созданные великим английским писателем Льюисом Кэрроллом (1832-1898), вот уже более столетия остаются любимым чтением детей и взрослых В настоящем издании тексты сказок публикуются в ставших классическими переводах Н М Демуровой Ей же принадлежат послесловие, посвященное жизни и творчеству Л Кэрролла и его месту в английской и мировой литературе, и обстоятельные комментарии, публикующиеся в новой редакции В издание включены также комментарии известного американского ученого и популяризатора науки Мартина Гарднера В разделе "Дополнения" впервые публикуется перевод ранней редакции "Алисы" - "Приключения Алисы под землей" и факсимиле рукописи Кэрролла "Alice's Adventures under Ground" В книге воспроизводятся 92 иллюстрации, созданные знаменитым английским художником Джоном Тенниелом (1820-1914) для первых изданий сказок в 1865 и 1871 годах Перевод с английского Иллюстрации Автор Льюис Кэрролл Lewis Carroll Родился в Дейрсбери, графство Чешир, в семье священника В 1851 году окончил Оксфорд, где впоследствии (1855-1881) занимал должность профессора математики Перу Кэрролла принадлежит ряд математических работ, в том числе "Евклид и его современные.  Серия: Фамильная библиотека Волшебный зал (номерованные экземпляры).

ХлебСоль, июнь 2010 артикул 2631a.
ХлебСоль, июнь 2010 артикул 2631a.

Редактор: Юлия Высоцкая В этом номере: - Результаты конкурса "Лучшее блюдо за 10 минут" - Решетки-гриль для барбекю - Как почистить старую посуду и утварь - Андрей Григорьев-Аполлонов оввчъ рассказал о вкусах своего детства - Полезные разноцветные смузи - Уникальные блюда с клубникой - Интервью с Патрисией Каас - Все на шашлыки и пикники! - День красоты Юлии Михальчик - Диета от депрессии.  Серия: журнал "ХлебСоль".

The Oral Stage: A Comparative Study of Franco-Ontarian Drama from 1970 to 2000 артикул 2633a.
The Oral Stage: A Comparative Study of Franco-Ontarian Drama from 1970 to 2000 артикул 2633a.

This book examines the relationship between orality and Franco-Ontarian theatre and more specifically the way in which oral practices (such as traditional story-telling) have been adapted and transformed by Franco-Ontarian playwrights, actors and directors, to produce a specific poetics of performance that evolved exclusively within оввчю Franco-Ontarian society between its theatre's genesis in 1970 to 2000 The corpus is drawn from those plays written and/or performed which exhibit characteristics of oral culture, as defined by the works of such scolars as Mercia Eliade, Arnold van Gennep, Richard Turner, Walter Ong, Richard Bauman and others Written in English, the book also provides a sound introduction to this important facet of French-Canadian literature that may otherwise be overlooked.  2009 г Мягкая обложка, 204 стр ISBN 3639172760.

The Third Mind: American Artists Contemplate Asia, 1860-1989 артикул 2635a.
The Third Mind: American Artists Contemplate Asia, 1860-1989 артикул 2635a.

The Third Mind: American Artists Contemplate Asia, 1860-1989 illuminates the dynamic and complex impact of Asian art, literary texts and philosophical concepts on American artistic practices from the late nineteenth century through the present Released to accompany a major survey at the Solomon R Guggenheim Museum, The Third Mind traces how оввша the classical arts of India, China and Japan and the systems of Hindu, Taoist, Tantric Buddhist and Zen Buddhist thought that were collectively admired as the "East" were known, reconstructed and transformed by American cultural, intellectual and political forces Featuring 270 objects in an array of media including painting, works on paper, books and ephemera, sculptures, video art and installations, this richly illustrated catalogue also includes scholarly essays by museum curators and academics specializing in art history, intellectual history, Asian studies and Postcolonial religious and cultural studies and representing a range of interdisciplinary perspectives.  2009 г Твердый переплет, 440 стр ISBN 0892073837.

It's a Fine Line: The Art of Bruce Johnson артикул 2637a.
It's a Fine Line: The Art of Bruce Johnson артикул 2637a.

Book DescriptionBruce Johnson's witty and intricate line drawings are familiar to many, from posters, prints, t-shirts, and coffee mugs Now, for the first time, the artist's best-known images are gathered in one place and reproduced in handsome large-format detail The drawings are sometimes whimsical, sometimes satirical Many have outdoor оввшж themes, illustrating how people enjoy, make use of, and sometimes abuse the natural world Others celebrate the imagination; some are based on puns Whatever the subject, the pieces are always amusing and involving and rendered in Johnson's distinctive style.  2003 г 144 стр ISBN 0811727343.

The New Biographical Dictionary of Film : Expanded and Updated артикул 2639a.
The New Biographical Dictionary of Film : Expanded and Updated артикул 2639a.

Book DescriptionFor almost thirty years, David Thomson’s Biographical Dictionary of Film has been not merely “the finest reference book ever written about movies” (Graham Fuller, Interview), not merely the “desert island book” of art critic David Sylvester, not merely “a great, crazy masterpiece” (Geoff Dyer, The Guardian), оввщд but also “fiendishly seductive” (Greil Marcus, Rolling Stone) This new edition updates the older entries and adds 30 new ones: Darren Aronofsky, Emmanuelle Beart, Jerry Bruckheimer, Larry Clark, Jennifer Connelly, Chris Cooper, Sofia Coppola, Alfonso Cuaron, Richard Curtis, Sir Richard Eyre, Sir Michael Gambon, Christopher Guest, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Spike Jonze, Wong Kar-Wai, Laura Linney, Tobey Maguire, Michael Moore, Samantha Morton, Mike Myers, Christopher Nolan, Dennis Price, Adam Sandler, Kevin Smith, Kiefer Sutherland, Charlize Theron, Larry Wachowski and Andy Wachowski, Lew Wasserman, Naomi Watts, and Ray Winstone In all, the book includes more than 1300 entries, some of them just a pungent paragraph, some of them several thousand words long In addition to the new “musts,” Thomson has added key figures from film history–lively anatomies of Graham Greene, Eddie Cantor, Pauline Kael, Abbott and Costello, Noël Coward, Hoagy Carmichael, Dorothy Gish, Rin Tin Tin, and more Here is a great, rare book, one that encompasses the chaos of art, entertainment, money, vulgarity, and nonsense that we call the movies Personal, opinionated, funny, daring, provocative, and passionate, it is the one book that every filmmaker and film buff must own Time Out named it one of the ten best books of the 1990s Gavin Lambert recognized it as “a work of imagination in its own right ” Now better than ever–a masterwork by the man playwright David Hare called “the most stimulating and thoughtful film critic now writing ”.  2004 г 1008 стр ISBN 0375709401.

ХлебСоль, май 2010 артикул 2641a.
ХлебСоль, май 2010 артикул 2641a.

Редактор: Юлия Высоцкая Сандвич от доктора Хауса Редиска по-итальянски Три уникальных блюда Правила вегана Ольги Шелест Делаем роллы и наряжаемся гейшами Екатерина Мириманова оввщх о том, что роднит вдохновение и кулинарию Что внутри? Содержание 1 | 2 Страница 8 | 10 | 12.  Серия: журнал "ХлебСоль".

La 411 2006 (La 411) артикул 2643a.
La 411 2006 (La 411) артикул 2643a.

Book DescriptionNow in its twenty-seventh year, LA 411 continues to be the single-most truated and widely-used directory for the film and television production industry in Southern California LA 411 has earned its unofficial name as The Bible for below-the-line production needs because of its * complete coverage of the industry * rigorous editorial оввщч procedures * reputation for quality and integrity In the pages of LA 411, there is every resource for shooting in Southern California, from the first day of pre-production to the last day of post.  2006 г 800 стр ISBN 0976402726.

Кризи$: Как это делается артикул 2645a.
Кризи$: Как это делается артикул 2645a.

Новая сенсационная книга Николая Старикова, политического обозревателя журнала «Консерватор», автора бестселлеров «Шерше ля нефть», «Кто заставил Гитлера напасть на Сталина?», оввщщ «От декабристов до моджахедов», убедительно показывает, кто и зачем организовал мировой финансовый кризис Вы найдете ответы на самые злободневные вопросы: - Что было сделано властями США, чтобы кризис обязательно случился? - Почему доллары выпускает не государство, а частная лавочка под названием ФРС? - Как Запад обвалил цену на нефть? - Что такое демократия и почему она никогда не победит во всем мире? - Зачем Украина перекрыла газовый вентиль российскому газу? - Кто и зачем на самом деле организовал в СССР Голодомор? - Кому везла свои танки «Фаина»? - Почему политическая система США напоминает сломанную рулетку? - Как убийство президента Джона Кеннеди связано с сегодняшним кризисом? - Почему бензин в России дороже, чем в Америке? Обвал нефти, выборы, падение котировок, военные конфликты и заказные убийства Это и есть кризис Он не случайность Кризис – это оружие А борьба идет не только на биржевых площадках, но и в наших головах и в наших сердцах Мир устроен совсем не так, как мы его себе представляем Добро пожаловать в реальный мир… Что внутри? Содержание 1 Страница 202 | 203 | 204 | 205 | 206 | 207 | 208 | 209 | 210 | 211 Автор Николай Стариков Николай Викторович Стариков родился 23 августа 1970 года в городе Ленинграде Женат, растит двоих дочерей В 1992 году закончил Санкт-Петербургский инженерно-экономический институт (экономист по образованию) Увлечение историей, а возможно и.  Издательство: Питер, 2009 г Твердый переплет, 304 стр ISBN 978-5-49807-394-1 Тираж: 7000 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Энциклопедия лоха артикул 2647a.
Энциклопедия лоха артикул 2647a.

Художник: Андрей Бартенев "Кто такие лохи и откуда они берутся?" - вопрос не века и даже не тысячелетия, а всей человеческой истории Дать четкое определение этому наиболее оввщь распространенному человеческому типу в одной строке, странице или даже в рамках журнальной статьи нет никакой возможности Известная телеведущая Ксения Собчак решила заняться изучением данного вопроса и посвятила исследованию лоха эту скромную, но весьма занимательную книгу Автор Ксения Собчак Родилась 5 ноября 1981 года в Ленинграде Отец - видный общественный и политический деятель эпохи перестройки и мэр Санкт-Петербурга Анатолий Собчак, мать - Людмила Нарусова, бывший депутат Государственной думы (1996-1999), ныне член Совета Федерации В.  Издательства: АСТ, Астрель, 2010 г Твердый переплет, 256 стр ISBN 978-5-17-066512-9, 978-5-271-27564-7 Тираж: 15000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

DVD & Video Guide 2006 (Video and DVD Guide) артикул 2649a.
DVD & Video Guide 2006 (Video and DVD Guide) артикул 2649a.

Book DescriptionWondering what video to rent tonight? This bestselling fact-packed guide is the only sourcebook you and your family will ever need Mick Martin and Marsha Porter steer you toward the winners and warn you about the losers DVD & Video Guide 2006 covers it all–more films than any other guide, including your favorite serials, оввъв B-Westerns, and made-for-TV movies, and even old television programs! Each entry, conveniently alphabetized for easy access, includes a summary, fresh commentary,the director, major cast members, the year of release, and the MPAA rating, plus a reliable Martin and Porter rating–from Five Stars to Turkey–so you’ll never get caught with a clunker again! THE BEST IN THE FIELD! Including • BRAND-NEW DVD LISTINGS • DIRECTOR AND STAR INDEXES • COMPLETE ACADEMY AWARD LISTINGS • WHERE TO GET THOSE HARD-TO-FIND VIDEOS From the Trade Paperback edition.  2005 г 1664 стр ISBN 0345449975.

Когда власть не от Бога артикул 2651a.
Когда власть не от Бога артикул 2651a.

Говоря "мировая закулиса", мы подразумеваем "тайна беззакония", говоря "тайна беззакония", понимаем, что реальные дела этой сети - скрыты за многими печатями оввъз До сих пор, например, никто не знает имен истинных владельцев частной компании "Федеральная резервная система", уже без малого сто лет печатающей без контроля и ограничения "американские" доллары, отдавая их в кредит правительству США, продавая их с безумной рентабельностью по всему миру и по всему миру на корню скупающей политиков, министров, президентов Некоторые имена, тем не менее, становятся известны Ротшильды, Морганы, Рокфеллеры - эти и подобные им фамилии-призраки и сообщества, им подвластные, стали уже зловещими "водяными знаками" на страницах мировой истории, появление которых неминуемо несет человечеству неисчислимые страдания и скорби Что, однако, движет такими "людьми", поставившими сегодня перед собой цель "сократить" население Земли на один, два, три миллиарда человек? Вопрос, возможно, из области психиатрии, и все же Автор Татьяна Грачева.  Издательство: Зерна-Слово, 2010 г Твердый переплет, 320 стр ISBN 978-5-903138-49-4 Тираж: 3000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Калевала (поэма в двух томах, номерованный экземпляр № 65), подарочное издание артикул 2598a.
Калевала (поэма в двух томах, номерованный экземпляр № 65), подарочное издание артикул 2598a.

Переводчики: Эйно С Киуру А Мишин Художник: Юрий Люкшин Настоящее издание отпечатано в количестве одной тысячи двухсот экземпляров, сто из которых выполнены с трехсторонним оввфэ золотым обрезом и пронумерованы Номер настоящего экземпляра 65 "Калевала" - карело-финский эпос, повествующий о жителях мифической страны Калевалы и их борьбе со страной мрака Похьелой, о мудром рунопевце Вяйнямёйнене, о кузнеце Илмаринене, выковавшем чудо-мельницу cампо, о своенравном Лемминкяйнене и других эпических героях Разрозненные сюжеты народных песен, исполнявшихся певцами-рунопевцами, собрал и объединил в эпическую поэму финский фольклорист и ученый Элиас Лённрот (1802-1884) В настоящем издании "Калевала" публикуется в переводе Э С Киуру и А И Мишина, наиболее близком к оригиналу и сохранившем все эпические и лирические особенности поэмы Издание сопровождается статьями, рассказывающими об истории создания "Калевалы" Э Лённрота, фольклорной основе и авторском замысле, а также словарем и перечнем действующих лиц В книге впервые публикуется цикл иллюстраций, созданный специально для настоящего издания известным петербургским графиком, заслуженным художником России Юрием Люкшиным Перевод с финского Иллюстрации Автор Элиас Леннрот.  Серия: Фамильная библиотека Героический зал (номерованные экземпляры).

Walter Pfeiffer: In Love with Beauty артикул 2600a.
Walter Pfeiffer: In Love with Beauty артикул 2600a.

In Love with Beauty offers an unprecedented chronological overview of the legendary Walter Pfeiffer, spanning four decades of photographic eroticism and wit, classical serenity and ornamental playfulness, artifice and immediacy Initially a painter, draughtsman and graphic designer, Pfeiffer used photographs as aide-memoirs for large-scale оввхб Photorealist pencil drawings, but quickly developed a genuine passion for photography and, inspired by a Warholesque cast of handsome drifters and stylish women, began to evolve a trademark style His breakthrough as a photographer came with a series of images of a young man in drag that was included in Jean-Christophe Amman's seminal Transformer exhibition of 1974, which year also saw Pfeiffer's first solo photo exhibition, reproduced here for the first time His eponymous 1981 monograph conveyed a cheeky eroticism and a raw immediacy well suited to the Punk movement, also prefiguring the diaristic photography of the 1990s For most of the 1980s, Pfeiffer immersed himself in the project that culminated in Das Auge, die Gedanken, unentwegt wandernd, a series of close-up portraits of young men Pfeiffer dedicated himself to drawing for a number of years, returning to photography only in the late 1990s In Love with Beauty proves that he has remained as youthful and exuberant as ever.  2009 г Твердый переплет, 360 стр ISBN 3865218709.

Movie Sets 101: The Definitive Survivor's Guide артикул 2602a.
Movie Sets 101: The Definitive Survivor's Guide артикул 2602a.

Book DescriptionWhether you are new to the industry, a seasoned pro or just interested in what the credits mean at the end of your favorite movie, this book is for you Not only will you learn about the different jobs an a movie set, but for the first time, you will discover the hidden rules of the movie set etiquette not taught in any film school "MOVIE SETS оввхд 101" includes advise from over 70 working professionals including: Wes Craven, Director (Scream Trilogy, A Nightmare on Elm St ) Ron Underwood, Director (City Slickers, Tremors) Tom DeSanto, producer (X-Men 1 & 2) James Cunn, Screenwriter (Dawn of the Dead, Scooby-Do 1 & 2) Daniel Roebuck, Actor ("Lost," The Fugitive) Owen Roizman, ASC, Cinematographer (The Exorcist, Network) Andrea Weaver, Costumer (Raging Ball, The Sting) Kenny Meyers, Make-Up Artist (Home Alone, Back to the Future) John Medlen, Stunt Coordinator (Spider-Man, "Alias").  2005 г 240 стр ISBN 0977291103.

The Film Comedy Reader артикул 2604a.
The Film Comedy Reader артикул 2604a.

Book DescriptionThis lavishly illustrated collection of essays recalls the movies that over the past century have created never-ending waves of hilarity Their authors include such prominent critics as James Agee, J Hoberman, Robin Wood, David Thomson and Jonathan Rosenbaum Beginning as the book does with the Silent Era, it also features Louella оввхй Parsons writing about Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton writing about, more or less, himself.  2004 г 424 стр ISBN 0879102950.

On Site: Landschaftsarchitektur Europa (German Edition) артикул 2606a.
On Site: Landschaftsarchitektur Europa (German Edition) артикул 2606a.

Das neue Referenzwerk der europaischen Landschaftsarchitektur mit Essays und Projekten, bei denen der Ort und nicht das Design den Ton angibt Eine Entwurfsphilosophie der Bescheidenheit kennzeichnet die europaische Landschaftsarchitektur: Nicht die Extravaganz des Entwerfers pragt ein Projekt, sondern die Eigenart des Ortes Die europaische оввхм Landschaft ist ein eng gefasster, vielgestaltiger, dicht bebauter und domestizierter Raum, der reich ist an landschaftsarchitektonischem Genie Dieses besteht nicht darin, beliebigen Orten architektonische Formen aufzudrucken, sondern die Geographie, Geschichte und Gedachtnis eines Ortes zu sinnlich erfahrbaren Raumen mit Charakter weiterzuentwickeln Klimawandel, neue Wirtschaftsformen und veranderte Mobilitat in territorialen Stadt-Landschaften verlangen nach neuen Raumen auf einem menschengemachten, ursprunglich landwirtschaftlich genutzten Kontinent – dieses Buch bietet Antworten in Form von landschaftsarchitektonischen Projekten und Strategien von Berlin bis Bordeaux, von Akkarvikoden in Norwegen bis Evora in Portugal, und in Form von Essays, die den Projekten weiterfuhrende Reflektion und Kritik zur Seite stellen, etwa zur Rolle von ideellen Landschaften, zum Spiel, zur Beteiligung, zum Kulturerbe, zur Stadtpolitik, zu den Pionieren Portugals Die Projekte und Texte sind ausgewahlt von einer unabhangigen Jury praktizierender Landschaftsarchitekten aus verschiedenen Landern Europas, editiert von einer Redaktion erfahrener europaischer Fachleute, reich bebildert und qualitatvoll aufgemacht von den Machern des erfolgreichen Buches „Fieldwork Landschaftsarchitektur Europa" USP’s Folge-Publikation von „Fieldwork" in der Serie „Landschaftsarchitektur Europa" Herausgegeben fur die LAE-Stiftung von Chefredakteurin Lisa Diedrich, Publizistin fur europaische Landschaftsarchitektur, Michael van Gessel, Chairman der Jury und europaischer Landschaftsarchitekt, und Harry Harsema, Produzent des erfolgreichen niederlandischen „Yearbook Landscape Architecture and Town Planning" stellt einem breiten Planer-Fachpublikum bislang bestenfalls regional bekannte, aktuelle Projekte, Personlichkeiten und Sichtweisen des Fachs vor spricht Laien an durch frisches Layout und verstandlich geschriebene Texte uberzeugt Fachleute durch demokratische Auswahl der Projekte (unabhangige Jury aus praktizierenden Landschaftsarchitekten), fachgerechte redaktionelle Aufbereitung (Redaktion aus Fachleuten der Landschaftsarchitektur) und Empfehlung des Dachverbandes der europaischen Landschaftsarchitekten EFLA (European Foundation for Landscape Architecture), ist deshalb konkurrenzlos und hat Referenzcharakter das Buch zur Zeitschrift ‚scape the international magazine for landscape architecture and urbanism, der zweimal pro Jahr erscheinenden, vom selben Redaktionsteam gefertigten Fachpublikation.  2009 г Твердый переплет, 260 стр ISBN 3764389494.

Подробная карта Париж артикул 2608a.
Подробная карта Париж артикул 2608a.

Долгое время Париж был правительственным, экономическим и культурным центром, вокруг которого вращалась жизнь всей Франции Столица поделена на двадцать округов (arrondissements), оввхц которые словно по спирали расположены вокруг центра города, что делает его похожим на раковину улитки Центр Парижа легко узнаваем, но туристов во французской столице ждут самые разные кварталы (quartiers), достойные того, чтобы прогуляться по ним, наслаждаясь атмосферой старины Парижу удалось сохранить свои исторические памятники и сокровища лучше, чем любому другому городу мира Его музеи, парки, мосты, здания и улицы поражают своей красотой и изысканностью, и большинство из нас навсегда влюбляются в этот "Город огней" Масштаб карты: 1:11500.  Серия: Подробная карта National Geographic.

Paris: Destination Map.
The Anime Companion 2 : More What's Japanese in Japanese Animation? артикул 2610a.
The Anime Companion 2 : More What's Japanese in Japanese Animation? артикул 2610a.

Book Description This long-awaited "companion" volume boasts over 500 all-new glossary-style entries to help you decipher anime's distinctive content, images and cultural motifs Ranging from Aikido to Zero fighters (with Japanese Mountain Vegetables in between), Gilles Poitras covers the minutiae of anime in fascinating detail, оввхэ including illustrations, anime images, film citations and numerous references to the related art of manga More than a guide, The Anime Companion 2 is a pop survey of Japanese art, kitsch, history, food and daily life Now with entries in kanji and English, the Anime Companion remains the best friend an otaku ever had Volume 1 was chosen for New York Public Library's Books for the Teen Age List Gilles Poitras is a librarian in the San Francisco Bay Area.  2005 г 176 стр ISBN 1880656965.

The Films of Randolph Scott артикул 2612a.
The Films of Randolph Scott артикул 2612a.

Book DescriptionReclusive American actor Randolph Scott, known for his subtle, dignified performances in almost 60 westerns, has been called the "most genuine Westerner " His career began in 1928 with the first of several bit parts; his first starring role was 1932s Heritage of the Desert He fought in World War I, studying horsemanship, оввцв shooting, and bayoneting, and acted in a variety of films in every genre from musical to swashbuckler His final film was Ride the High Country (1962) Chronologically arranged from his birth in 1898 to his death in 1987, this book covers every film in which Randolph Scott acted Each section begins with a biographical chapter and then lists Scotts films from that period: each films entry has filmographic information, a synopsis, and detailed commentary, discussing such topics as the financial aspects, production details, acting, other participants, anecdotes, and critical responses Quotes from interviews with figures in the industry and published reviews bolster the entries A bibliographical essay completes the work, which is heavily illustrated with stills and promotional materials.  2004 г 235 стр ISBN 0786417978.

Screening Politics; The Politician in American Movies, 1931-2001 артикул 2614a.
Screening Politics; The Politician in American Movies, 1931-2001 артикул 2614a.

Book DescriptionThis reference guide provides detailed discussions of over fifty movies about American politics and politicians In an introduction, the author describes how the political genre has evolved over the past seventy years Then, in his discussions of individual films, arranged in alphabetical order, Keyishian shows how the patterns оввцн in the genre have played out over the decades Concepts covered in the entries include the portrayal of redeeming politicians in the films of the 1930s, such as Mr Smith Goes to Washington (1939) and the corrupting quality of politics found in post-World War II films such as All the King's Men (1949) Film historians, scholars and critics will find this to be an invaluable resource, and it may enhance the experience for the informed film viewer.  2003 г 224 стр ISBN 0810845814.

Подробная карта: Рим артикул 2616a.
Подробная карта: Рим артикул 2616a.

Рим - это музей истории Западной цивилизации под открытым небом Город, раскинувшийся на семи холмах, возник более 2000 лет назад Он представляет собой достойное восхищения средоточие оввцт античных руин, шедевров архитектуры и искусства, зданий, магазинов и ресторанов Находиться в Риме - это значит одной ногой стоять в прошедших столетиях, а другой - в центре современного столичного мегаполиса Непосредственное соседство современной городской жизни и живой древности делает Рим по-настоящему притягательным местом для туристов Здесь так много достопримечательностей, что путешественник стоит перед выбором - куда отправиться в первую очередь Бродя по улочкам Вечного города, вы обязательно обнаружите множество неожиданных "сокровищ" и несомненно отыщете свой "уголок" во времени истории Масштаб карты: 1:9600.  Серия: Подробная карта National Geographic.

Creative Collectives: Chicana Painters Working in Community артикул 2618a.
Creative Collectives: Chicana Painters Working in Community артикул 2618a.

Book DescriptionA compelling blend of art history, social analysis, and personal testimony, Creative Collectives presents a new paradigm for understanding Chicana/o studies By following the artistic and ideological journeys of two groups of northern California Chicana artists, María Ochoa argues that the women involved in these collectives оввцх created complex images whose powerful visual social commentary sprang from the daily experiences of their lives Ochoa's artistic narrative first focuses on Mujeres Muralistas, a pathbreaking San Francisco group of mural painters organized in the early 1970s at the height of the Chicana/o Movement The story then turns its attention to Co-Madres Artistas, a group of artists who came together in the 1990s after spending decades tending their families, becoming successful in their careers, and launching key Chicana/o cultural institutions in the Sacramento Valley Ochoa tells the stories of the individual members of these collectives to show how they combined art and activism Through an innovative application of oral history interviews, a fascinating compilation of individual and collective stories emerges Creative Collectives is notable for its skillful weaving of personal recollections, representational analysis of mural and easel painting, and social movement narration.  2003 г 139 стр ISBN 0826321100.

Its A Bitter Little World: The Smartest Toughest Nastiest Quotes From Film Noir артикул 2620a.
Its A Bitter Little World: The Smartest Toughest Nastiest Quotes From Film Noir артикул 2620a.

Book DescriptionEverything you need to know in life you can learn from film noir And everything you can learn from film noir, you can find in It's a Bitter Little World This collection of quotes: -Includes both classic as well as contemporary quotes, providing a complete history of noir -Organizes quotes by themed chapters and by decades, giving оввцы readers an inside view into how noir has developed -Shares new celebrity quotes created especially for this book from the likes of Pat Sajak, Harry Knowles, Wil Wheaton, Tara Santana, Gary Hart, '60s counterculture legend Paul Krassner, and more With an eye-catching, sleek design, this book will appeal to lovers of film noir and gift buyers.  2005 г 230 стр ISBN 1582973873.

Italian Horror Films of the 1960s: A Critical Catalog of 62 Chillers артикул 2622a.
Italian Horror Films of the 1960s: A Critical Catalog of 62 Chillers артикул 2622a.

Book DescriptionUntil I vampiri (The Vampires) in 1956, Italian filmmakers generally eschewed horror in favor of fantasy films and big screen spectacles In the 1960s, the subjects became as varied as the filmmakers, ranging from the comic strip flavor of The Wild, Wild Planet (1966) to the surrealistic mixture of horror and social commentary оввця of Fellinis "Toby Dammit" segment of Spirits of the Dead (1969) Arranged by English title, each entry includes Italian title, studio, running time, year of release, work the film is based on (when appropriate), and cast and credits These data are followed by a lengthy essay, blending a plot synopsis with critical commentary and behind-the-scenes information.  2004 г 288 стр ISBN 0786419687.

ХлебСоль, январь 2010 артикул 2624a.
ХлебСоль, январь 2010 артикул 2624a.

Редактор: Юлия Высоцкая В этом номере: - 45 очень вкусных блюд для зимних праздников - Татьяна Устинова о женской свободе и любви на кухне - Приключения двух апельсинов: с окороком, оввчд со спагетти, с английским кремом и в шоколаде - Коммунальное меню от Андрея Макаревича - Кулинарные тренды 2009-2010 Лучшие напитки, рестораны, люда, продукты, книги, утварь Что внутри? Содержание 1 | 2 Страница 3 | 4.  Серия: журнал "ХлебСоль".

ХлебСоль, февраль 2010 артикул 2626a.
ХлебСоль, февраль 2010 артикул 2626a.

Редактор: Юлия Высоцкая В этом номере: - Картошка - королева сезона - Есть и худеть! Психологи рекомендуют - 23 элегантные идеи, как поздравить мужчин - Советы Дарьи Донцовой, что оввчс готовить, чтобы выйти замуж - Правда о крабах! Прямой репортаж из Баренцева моря Что внутри? Страница 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39.  Серия: журнал "ХлебСоль".

Lola Schnabel: Remember Me артикул 2628a.
Lola Schnabel: Remember Me артикул 2628a.

Book DescriptionDrawn from Lola Schnabel's notebooks and Polaroids, these images possess a febrile and precocious imagination Her drawings, layers of pencil and paint sketches over crumpled, stained iconic imagery, are tough, naive, and verging on the pathological, where her photographs are softer and dreamlike, featuring her family and оввчу friends through blurred light-saturated compositions and the occasional over-painting Essay by Rene Ricard Hardcover, 6 x 9 in , 32 pages, 23 color illustrations.  2003 г 32 стр ISBN 0972143629.

The Independent Movie Poster Book артикул 2630a.
The Independent Movie Poster Book артикул 2630a.

Book DescriptionThis visually stunning volume-the first movie poster book devoted exclusively to independent films-showcases some of the most provocative and original movie posters ever created From David Lynch's cult classic Eraserhead to Sofia Coppola's recent sensation Lost in Translation, the book displays the incredible range of оввчш creativity exhibited in hundreds of independent film posters More than 100 internationally recognized directors are profiled-including Quentin Tarantino, Spike Lee, the Coen brothers, Jean-Luc Godard, and Pedro Almodóvar, to name a few In his text, Dave Kehr, an entertainment writer, most notably for The New York Times, captures the creative excitement of independent films and their growing importance to the global cultural scene Drawing on the rich and diverse collection of the Posteritati Gallery in New York, one of the premier dealers in vintage and contemporary movie art, this is an essential sourcebook on the independent film movement and the feature films, documentaries, and directors that have shaped the face of its history AUTHOR BIO: Spencer Drate and Judith Salavetz have designed packages for many popular artists, including Bon Jovi, Lou Reed, U2, and Talking Heads Drate was the author of Abrams' Swag: Rock Posters of the '90s Dave Kehr, of Italian Film Posters, has written about movies for The New York Times, Entertainment Weekly, and the Chicago Tribune.  2005 г 176 стр ISBN 081099190X.

Studio Artists at the Human-Computer Interface: A case study of arts technology integration in studio practice артикул 2632a.
Studio Artists at the Human-Computer Interface: A case study of arts technology integration in studio practice артикул 2632a.

What forms of expression will be possible tomorrow, how do they differ from those of the past, and how can we better prepare for them today? The investigation of artists at the human-computer interface (HCI), where artistic and cybernetic questions meet, has great implications for critical consciousness, cultural evolution, and art education оввчэ The investigation of cybernetic art begins with a treatment of the art object as data Our modes of communication are converging, spaces and interfaces are transforming rapidly as digital technologies affect the ways we construct knowledge and behave The HCI is the site of both cultural evolution and individual expression Art education has an opportunity to facilitate a critical dialogue around these emergent objects, expressing the shifting nature of human interaction and extrapolating meaning that refers to larger sociological frameworks and belief systems This study offers a glimpse at the effect of emergent objects on critical consciousness in eight qualitative case studies of artists integrating digital technology into their studio practice.  2009 г Мягкая обложка, 204 стр ISBN 3639159845.

ShockJune/ShockJanuary : A Smorgasbord of Horror артикул 2634a.
ShockJune/ShockJanuary : A Smorgasbord of Horror артикул 2634a.

Book DescriptionAre you game? Do you have the guts to enter this bizarre world? Or the willingness to expose your brain to mind-rotting plot twists, impromptu bikini contests, and a film that was banned on two midwestern college campuses? Not one, mind you: two Do cannibal Confederate zombies raise the hairs on the back of your neck? How about a maniacal оввчя Santa with a deadly serious naughty-or-nice list? If Karate Pete shows up wanting a piece of whatever action youve got going, will you have the fortitude to put him in his place? I hear he has a phobia of nooses… The door to a radical new experience sits in your hands Only ShockJune/ShockJanuary delivers the vital viewing recommendations and the tales of the mind-warping sensations that result Youll delight in new discoveries, youll phone your friends and discuss the movies, and then youll have your own screeningsyoull be converted to the ShockMarathons ethos ShockJune/ShockJanuary beckons Will you answer the call? They arent just movie reviewers, they're movie explorers A must-read for every horror adventurist -Dave Payne, writer/director Reeker "These guys put horror movies to the ultimate test The Sleepover!" -Ti West, writer/director The Roost Download DescriptionAre you game? Do you have the guts to enter this bizarre world? Or the willingness to expose your brain to mind-rotting plot twists, impromptu bikini contests, and a film that was banned on two midwestern college campuses? Not one, mind you: two Do cannibal Confederate zombies raise the hairs on the back of your neck? How about a maniacal Santa with a deadly serious naughty-or-nice list? If Karate Pete shows up wanting a piece of whatever action you've got going, will you have the fortitude to put him in his place? I hear he has a phobia of nooses The door to a radical new experience sits in your hands Only ShockJune/ShockJanuary delivers the vital viewing recommendations and the tales of the mind-warping sensations that result You'll delight in new discoveries, you'll phone your friends and discuss the movies, and then you'll have your own screenings-you'll be converted to theShockMarathons ethos ShockJune/ShockJanuary beckons Will you answer the call? 'They aren't just movie reviewers, they're movie explorers A must-read for every horror adventurist ' -Dave Payne, writer/director Reeker "These guys put horror movies to the ultimate test The Sleepover!" -Ti West, writer/director The Roost.  2005 г 498 стр ISBN 0595378862.

Celluloid San Francisco : The Film Lover's Guide to Bay Area Movie Locations артикул 2636a.
Celluloid San Francisco : The Film Lover's Guide to Bay Area Movie Locations артикул 2636a.

Book Description Exploring a city famous for its role in film settings and television backdrops, this book is a comprehensive guide to thousands of movie and television locations in the San Francisco Bay area From the cement steps in Alta Plaza Parkas featured in Barbara Streisand's What's Up, Doc? to the actual nightclub of Frank Sinatra's character оввшд in Pal Joey and the haunts of Don Johnson's Nash Bridges, this jaunty expedition around San Francisco and the surrounding bay explores an area featured in more than 1,500 movies Easy-to-follow maps identify significant historical film sites, locations for classic and contemporary films, movie palaces, and production companies, making this travel guide a best bet for planning a tour of locales associated with Charlie Chaplin and Alfred Hitchcock, as well as current film-makers such as George Lucas, Francis Ford Coppola, and Clint Eastwood.  2006 г 300 стр ISBN 1556525923.

Следующие 100 лет: Прогноз событий XXI века артикул 2638a.
Следующие 100 лет: Прогноз событий XXI века артикул 2638a.

Переводчики: А Калинин В Нарица М Мацковская Эта провокационная книга мгновенно вошла в список бестселлеров газеты The New York Times Ее автор, американский политолог Джордж Фридман, оввшф директор частной разведывательно-аналитической организации Stratfor, предлагает читателям прогноз изменений, которых можно ожидать в мире в XXI веке Нынешнее кажущееся ослабление США, согласно Фридману, - иллюзия Американская мощь столь велика, что подорвать ее невозможно Пик могущества Штатов придется на конец XXI столетия Безвольная и потерявшая вкус к битвам Европа утратит свое значение Китайский рост - мыльный пузырь, который лопнет уже в скором времени На геополитическом горизонте по очереди взойдут новые звезды: Япония, Турция, Польша, Мексика Россия добьется своего и восстановит контроль над постсоветским пространством в 2020-е годы, но после этого рухнет и развалится уже окончательно, не выдержав конкуренции с более сильными государствами Что внутри? Содержание 1 | 2 Страница 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 Автор Джордж Фридман George Friedman Джордж Фридман - американский политолог, основатель и исполнительный директор частной разведывательно-аналитической организации STRATFOR ("Стратегическое прогнозирование"), занимающийся сбором и обработкой информации по вопросам экономики, геополитики и.  Серия: Библиотека Коммерсантъ.

The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21th Century.
The Delight of Art: Giorgio Vasari and the Traditions of Humanist Discourse артикул 2640a.
The Delight of Art: Giorgio Vasari and the Traditions of Humanist Discourse артикул 2640a.

The Delight of Art offers a highly original, erudite interpretation of Vasari's Lives, one of the most influential texts on the arts David Cast approaches Vasari's long, tripartite work as a complex rhetorical history rather than as an archival document mined for facts about the artists He focuses on the delight Vasari mentions in his accounts оввщт of viewers responses to works by artists from Giotto to Michelangelo Cast finds in delight what might be called a threshold into the arena where the cultural and social orders met to produce a sphere of subjectivity as well as that of the compelling Renaissance invention, the artist.  2009 г Твердый переплет, 296 стр ISBN 0271034424.

Church Year and the Art of Clemens Schmidt артикул 2642a.
Church Year and the Art of Clemens Schmidt артикул 2642a.

Book DescriptionThe Church Year and the Art of Clemens Schmidt provides selections from the work of noted liturgical artist Clemens Schmidt in a convenient book/CD-ROM format that illustrate themes organized according to the liturgical year The variety of line drawings and calligraphy offers a wealth of opportunities for illustrating bulletins, оввщц programs, church, school, or personal documents with clip art The Church Year and the Art of Clemens Schmidt CD-ROM provides a listing of over 105 clip art images each saved in three formats: TIFF, BMP, and JPEG Average image size is 2 ½ x 2 ½ inches at 100% A set of contact sheets on the CD displays thumbnail black-and-white images The indexed, searchable contact sheets can be viewed in Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is included on this CD The clip art images are stored in folders labeled according to the image format (TIFF, BMP, or JPG) They can be inserted into a document using the normal graphic import functions of the word processing or page layout program WINDOWS 95/98/NT * i486 or Pentium processor-based personal computer * Microsoft Windows 95 or 98 or NT (with Service pack 3 or later) * 8 MB of RAM on Windows 95 and Windows 98 (16 MB recommended) MACINTOSH * Apple Power Macintosh computer * Apple System Software version 8 or later * 4 5 MB of RAM available to Acrobat Reader (6 5 MB recommended) * 8 MB of available hard disk space This application is designed to be completely self-contained Nothing will be loaded onto your computer system; everything needed to run the application software is on the CD-ROM The CD is an "autoload" CD Insert the CD into your CD reader and Adobe Acrobat Reader will start and display a catalog of images.  2003 г 64 стр ISBN 0814629059.

Historism and Cultural Identity in the Rhine-Meuse Region / Historismus und kulturelle Identitat im Raum Rhein-Maas: Tensions Between Nationalism and Regionalism und Nationalismus (Kadoc Artes) артикул 2644a.
Historism and Cultural Identity in the Rhine-Meuse Region / Historismus und kulturelle Identitat im Raum Rhein-Maas: Tensions Between Nationalism and Regionalism und Nationalismus (Kadoc Artes) артикул 2644a.

Based on the cultural insight that "historism"-understood as the projection of the past into the present by artistic means, or the "invention of tradition"-always occurs in close connection with the emergence of nation-states, this volume describes for the first time the cultural and denominational character and development оввщш of the Maas-Rhine region during the period between the French Revolution and World War I Seventeen contributors shed light on the cultural identity of this Catholic-dominated core region of Europe.  2009 г Твердый переплет, 432 стр ISBN 9058676668.

Gogol's Artistry артикул 2646a.
Gogol's Artistry артикул 2646a.

When one great author engages another, as Andrei Bely so brilliantly does in "Gogol's Artistry", the result is inevitably a telling portrait of both writers So it is in "Gogol's Artistry" Translated into English for the first time, this idiosyncratic, exhaustive critical study is as interesting for what it tells us about оввщъ Bely's thought and method as it is for its insights into the oeuvre of his literary predecessor Bely's argument in this book is that Gogol's earlier writing should be given more consideration than most critics have granted Employing what might be called a scientific perspective, Bely considers how often certain colors appear; he diagrams sentences and discusses Gogol's prose in terms of mathematical equations The result, as strange and engaging as Bely's best fiction, is also an innovative, thorough, and remarkably revealing work of criticism.  2009 г Твердый переплет, 512 стр ISBN 0810125900.

The Aesthetic Economy of Fashion: Markets and Value in Clothing and Modelling (Dress, Body, Culture) артикул 2648a.
The Aesthetic Economy of Fashion: Markets and Value in Clothing and Modelling (Dress, Body, Culture) артикул 2648a.

Fashion is bound up with promoting the "new," concerned with constantly changing aesthetics The favored styles or looks of a season arise out of the work of a vast range of different actors who collectively produce, select, distribute and promote the new ideals, before moving on next season If fashion is defined, in part, by the incessant оввщю requirement to be "new," this requirement means aesthetic qualities are always in motion and, therefore, unstable How, then, are fashionable commodities stabilized long enough for them to be calculated--i e , selected, distributed and sold--by those critically placed inside the fashion system? Since there are few studies that actually examine the work that goes on inside the world of fashion we know little about these processes Fashion and the Cultural Economy addresses this gap in our knowledge by examining how aesthetic products are defined, distributed and valued It focuses attention on the work of some of the market agents, in particular model agents or "bookers" and fashion buyers, shaping the aesthetics inside their markets In analyzing their work, Entwistle develops a theoretical framework for understanding the distinctive features of aesthetic marketplaces and the aesthetic calculations within them.  2009 г Твердый переплет, 224 стр ISBN 1845204727.

Writing the Pre-Raphaelites артикул 2650a.
Writing the Pre-Raphaelites артикул 2650a.

This vibrant collection of essays claims that a complex network of texts by critics, biographers and diarists established the credibility and influence of the Pre-Raphaelite movement Throughout the twentieth century, Modernist taste failed to acknowledge the achievement of oppositional groupings such as the Pre-Raphaelites The essays оввъд collected here, however, reveal that the British group anticipated later avant-gardes by using the written word to configure for itself a radical artistic identity Public and critics alike were scandalized by the radicalism of Pre-Raphaelite painting, its unflinching portrayal of historical figures and of contemporary life, and its irreverent attitude to artistic convention Pre-Raphaelitism's innovations were not confined to style: new forms of artistic identity and behaviour were explored As the contributors interrogate the texts through which Pre-Raphaelitism was constructed, they demonstrate that the movement's wide influence as a cultural phenomenon derived from the interplay between exhibited works and critical discourse Applying a range of sophisticated methodologies from the fields of literary studies, art history, and cultural studies, these interdisciplinary essays uncover the neglected role of texts in the success of the Pre-Raphaelite rebellion and argue in favor of a new centrality for this movement in the history of nineteenth-century European culture.  2009 г Твердый переплет, 276 стр ISBN 0754657175.

The Rocklopedia Fakebandica артикул 2652a.
The Rocklopedia Fakebandica артикул 2652a.

Book Description Have you ever wondered what the name of the cantina band in Star Wars was? Or how many fictional singers Elvis played? Or how many fake bands had real Top Ten hits? This hysterical, witty, and irreverent book answers all these questions and more Based on the popular Web site fakebands com, The Rocklopedia Fakebandica contains almost оввък 1,000 entries covering such pop-culture staples as Spinal Tap, the Monkees, the Partridge Family, the Blues Brothers, the Rutles, Schroeder, the Chipmunks, the Brady Kids, the California Raisins, the Commitments, the Archies, the Banana Splits, Eddie and the Cruisers, the Wonders, Phoebe Buffay, Miss Piggy, Josie and the Pussycats, Jessica Rabbit, School of Rock, and Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Perfect for pop-culture addicts, trivia buffs, and music lovers of all stripes, The Rocklopedia Fakebandica is the consummate addition to any bookshelf, coffee table, or bathroom.  2004 г 256 стр ISBN 031232944X.

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